Detoxing ourselves inside and out
It’s that time of year to start taking care of ourselves. Let’s start with our biggest organ our skin. This time of year we all get so dry and scaly.
1st things 1st I like to make 2 different scrubs one for my face and neck and one for the rest of me. The facial scrub is a little gentler. I suggest using this once or twice a week. The all over scrub can be used 3 to 4 times a week. I put my Exfoliation scrubs in squeeze bottles and keep in the shower.
Facial Exfoliation Scrub
1 cup super fine sugar or sugar (you can get this at any grocery store)
1/2 cup jojoba, grape seed or Fractionated coconut oil
1 teaspoon Vitamin E oil (anywhere you buy vitamins)
10 to 15 drops of Doterra Essential oil. Suggestions Lavender, Myrrh, Frankincense, Roman Chamomile, Yarrow Pom, Geranium or Green Mandarin.
Body Exfoliation Scrub
1 cup course sea salt ( I use Himalayan pink sea salt I find at Ross and TJ Max)
1/2 Cup FCO or Grape seed oil.
1 Teaspoon Vitamin E oil
10 to 15 drops Doterra Essential oil. Suggestions: Lemon, Zendocrine, Slim and sassy, Wild orange, Peppermint.
Rich Detox oil
4 Oz dropper Bottle
15 drops Doterra slim and sassy Essential oil
15 Drops Doterra zendocrine Essential Oil
Top with FCO or JOJOBA oil
I love this oil so much and use it twice a day after my shower/bath and before bed. I use a dropper or two and apply to all my problem areas ( stomach, hips, butt and over adrenals ( lower back). Massage in for 1 to 2 minutes.
This is such a huge issue for most if us this time of year we have a hard time drinking all the water we need. SO let’s think outside the box. Water does not have to be cold. How about a nice cup of warm water. Don't want to drink just water. Add a decaf tea bag there are so many yummy flavors. (It doesnt even have to be decaf but if you are shooting for 6 to 8 cups caffeinated might be a lot. A warm cup of lemon water ( 1 drop of doterra lemon oil) 1st thing in the mornings is a great way to get your body up and running properly. Warm water throughout the day will keep you hydrated and healthy.
Dry Brushing
Why Dry Brush? The action of dry brushing is great way to exfoliate dry winter skin. It also helps detoxify by increasing blood circulation and promoting lymph flow/drainage. Dry brushing unclogs pores in the exfoliation process. It also stimulates your nervous system, which can make you feel invigorated afterward. Doing this in a upward motion for 3 to 5 minutes before your shower each day with not only exfoliate but reduces the appearance of cellulite.
A Luxurious Cream Moisturizer
I try to be as clean and use as many natural product as possible what I have not mastered is making lotion. So I use one that is as close to pure as possible. I love Cetaphil body cream. We buy it in he 16 oz tubs and add oils. Adding Frankincense, Citrus Bliss and Balance for my day time blend and Lavender and Ylang Ylang for night time. Apply it 2 to 3 times a day for soft and supple skin.
Detoxing Foot Bath
I love a foot bath and adding a detox element is an amazing way to take care of your body. Please keep in mind less in more here. You only need the amounts shown

Basic Foot Bath
1/2 cup Epsom Salts
1 TB apple cider vinegar
1 drop (only one) Doterra Cilantro Essential oil ( this is for heavy metal detox)
Fill bath with warm/hot water.
Add Ons
Overall Detox: 3 drops Zendocrine
Circulation/water retention/Overall Discomfort:3 drops Aromatouch
Stress relief: 3 drops Serenity
Relax and Soak for 15 minutes. Dry your feet thoroughly and apply a lotion with Balance Essential oil. Drink a lot of water.
Internal Detox with Doterra Essential Oils.
Now lets talk about an internal detox. All those cookies and candies, rich foods and indulgences in the alcohol. We need to get 2019 off to the best start and with this suggested detox it is soft and gentle with no need to stay home and close the the bathroom. Easy and spelled out clearly.
Its easy to start and stick with. You just have to have the right products.
If you are not already my customer you can actually start with a kit that contains these items and you wont pay the 35.00 enrollment fee. You will have a membership that you can use for the full year and receive 25% off all retail prices. You will get ongoing education and great gifts from me. And my team. Click 1st link to see what is in the kit and the second link to enroll with me.

For those of you who are already my customers you can purchase what you need to get started. I am starting this the 1st of the year but if you don't have anything you can start anytime. LLV is our #one selling product and we take it here every day. This is ongoing with the addition of GX for day 11 to 20th. And concentrating on the drops in my water. They make an amazing difference.
Just a little extra FYI: Zendocrine detoxification Blend is one of our favorites here at the Heinen’s. We take it anytime we are going to have cocktails. One before and one the morning after. Amazing no Hangovers. Must haves at any home.

I would love to share the power of Doterra Essential oils in with you in 2019 and get your home choosing natural solutions. Please feel free to reach out to me. A little more info on how to get started here.
I hope you enjoyed this detox series and will share with friends and family. Lots of education to come this year on Living Essentially Naturally. Please sign up for emails to receive updates.
Live a Life you Love ❤️
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.