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Do you want it Enough?

Do you want it enough? 

The reason that most of our goals don’t get achieved? We don’t want them enough? But what exactly does that mean?  It means that our priorities are off. We put everyone and everything else first.  We want, yes but if anything else comes up we let it take over.  So what do we do to want it ENOUGH?  We have to have a clear plan.  Let’s work together on the top 3 resolutions.

Top Resolutions #1.

 Stay Fit and Healthy/ lose weight 

I think we set ourselves up for failure in this category because we set our goals so large and out of reach that when they don’t happen fast enough we let everything else get in the way. So How do we want this one enough?

*Make small attainable goals

:not always number goals step away from the scale goals.  Do not worry about final destination at the beginning of your journey.  Examples: Get 15 minute activity a day, plan breakfast, lunch and dinners for a week, prep my foods for a week, lose 5 lbs in a month

 *Know your why?*

Yes I ended up here again.  You have to have a long list of why you want this? This list needs to be little whys to huge whys? WHY?  Because the temptations are going to be small and huge.  I want to be healthy is not a why?  You need specific health reasons.  Examples: lower BP and Cholesterol, I want my knees to stop hurting, I want to be able to climb stairs and breathe.  You understand. Make that list and it on your home screen of your phone.  Here’s my biggest why during my weight loss 17 years ago that still stands true today.  “I want to take my jeans out of the dryer and be able to put them on without laying on the floor to zip them”

*Be realistic*

Know that 1/2 a lb loss is better than a 1/2 lb gain…. sounds like a “well no kidding” moment but we can have a complete melt down over half a lb either way is not enough if we lose it or its the end of the world if we gain it.  But in the real world a half a pound loss is 26 lbs a year. The other piece of this puzzle….. one meal of going off the rails does not mean your failed just jump back on at your next meal.

#2 Spend Less, Save more:

I want this one every year and every year I seem to find things I want more than I want to save.  Sound familiar?

  *Lower recurring bills*

Sit down with all your monthly bills, look for ways to cut costs.  Can you lower your any of those bills? Where can you cut costs? Electricity (turn off the lights lower the heat 2 degrees),  Cell phones, do you have the best plan?  Television do we need all those channels?  Can you get a lower interest rate on your home?

*Pay off your CC bills*

Get them all together….start with the smallest 1st. Pay it off as quickly as you can then put it in a safe place where it can’t  be used….move onto the next card…..make them a priority monthly.

          *Groceries, Personal care, Household items*

OK here is a category we all struggle with because the prices are so high and they change constantly.  But what I know I do is a waste so much.  I hate that about me and I am getting better.  We need to make and stick to lists, we need to shop for sales. We need to have priorities and this things that are not a priority only purchase when on sale and shop more for less waste.

*Take a moment and step back before you buy*

We live in the world of Amazon Prime  all I have to do is search and click buy and boom its at my door in 2 days!!!!!  Woohoo….well not so great for the budget. So make a rule that you have to wait 24 hours before you push the purchase button.  On anything.  In the store and online.

#3 Live Life to the fullest and Spend more time with friends and Family.  

We are all working so hard to have a good life we are forgetting to have fun.  To live our lives to the fullest.  We are all so tired by the time the day is over we are just curling up on the couch binge watching Netflix.  That is  probably not your Live life to the fullest goal.

*Make a Yearly  (bucket) List*

What fun things do you want to do in 2017? Write them down…..   Vacation/ Road Trip? Plan it out when, where, spend time researching everything about it and get it on paper

             *More time with friends our family*

plan it : maybe you need to schedule those monthly coffee/lunch dates. Get them on the calendar.  Spend more time with the family? Set up a schedule with them. Brunch on the 3rd Sunday of every month.

             *Be more spontaneous*

Step out of your comfort zone and say yes when you wan to say no.  Just go do it stop living in your past experiences.  Say YES more often.

Live a life you Love ❤️


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